Who is your memoir cheerleader?

three friends sitting in grass together with computer, backpack, notebook

Image by Naassom Azevedo from Pixabay

Writing can be lonely.

Writing a book can be long AND lonely.

That’s why you need someone cheering you on.

Not an editor, or a writing coach.

Not someone who even reads a word of what you’re writing.

What you need is someone who is there to ask, “Did you get your words done today?”

Someone to say, “Keep it up. Don’t give up.”

The first one who will tell you, when the book is done and you’re holding it in your hands, “I knew you could do it.”

For me, it’s my husband. And my eight-year-old daughter, who added “write in my book” to my chore chart and makes sure I check it off every day.

Find your person, and let them encourage you, hold you accountable, and listen to your cries of despair and desperation.

Then, when it’s all said (or written) and done, take that person out for an extra large chocolate milkshake.


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